Turf renovation works

Turf renovation works for our ovals and selected parks take place on an annual basis throughout the City. 

Works include replacing wicket mats, vertimowing, coring and top dressing. We undertake works to ensure our ovals and parks remain healthy.  

Works take place throughout September and October each year. 

Replacing wicket mats

Replacing wicket mats, particularly in the context of cricket pitches, offers several important benefits for the sport and the players:

1. Safety: Worn or damaged wicket mats can create uneven surfaces on the cricket pitch, increasing the risk of injuries to players. Replacing these mats ensures a smooth and safe playing surface.

2. Consistency: New wicket mats provide a consistent playing surface for both batsmen and bowlers. Consistency in bounce and pace is essential for fair gameplay and allows players to focus on their skills rather than adjusting to unpredictable conditions.

3. Improved Bounce: Fresh wicket mats with the correct level of firmness and bounce enhance the quality of cricket matches. Batsmen can play their shots confidently, and bowlers can generate more consistent and accurate deliveries.

4.Spin and Seam: Replacing wicket mats can positively impact spin and seam bowling. A well-prepared wicket mat allows spinners and seam bowlers to exploit variations in the pitch conditions, adding excitement and challenge to the game.

5. Longevity: Regular replacement of wicket mats can extend the overall lifespan of a cricket pitch. Well-maintained pitches provide a better playing experience, reduce the need for extensive repairs, and ultimately save on maintenance costs.

6. Player Satisfaction: Cricketers, whether amateurs or professionals, appreciate a high-quality playing surface. Replacing wicket mats ensures that players enjoy the game more, leading to greater satisfaction and improved player morale.

7. Professional Standards: For competitive cricket leagues and tournaments, maintaining proper wicket mat standards is essential. Replacing mats as needed helps adhere to professional cricket standards and regulations.

8. Reduced Variability: Old or damaged mats can introduce unpredictable elements into the game, making it less fair and less enjoyable for both players and spectators. New mats help reduce this variability.

9. Enhanced Aesthetics: Cricket pitches with fresh wicket mats not only play better but also look better. A well-maintained pitch can enhance the overall aesthetics of the cricket ground.

10. Development of Skills: Replacing wicket mats allows players to develop and showcase their skills to the best of their abilities. It fosters an environment where cricket talents can flourish.

In summary, replacing wicket mats is essential for maintaining the quality, safety, and fairness of cricket pitches.


Vertimowing, also known as vertical mowing or dethatching, is a lawn care practice used to improve the health and appearance of a lawn or turfgrass area. It involves the use of specialized equipment called a verticutter or dethatcher to remove thatch, moss, and other organic debris from the surface of the soil. Here's a more detailed explanation of vertimowing:

Thatch Removal: The primary purpose of vertimowing is to remove thatch, which is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic material that can accumulate on the surface of the soil in a lawn. Excessive thatch can hinder water and nutrient penetration to the grass roots, leading to poor lawn health.

2. Equipment: A verticutter or dethatcher is a machine equipped with vertically rotating blades or tines that cut into the thatch layer and bring it to the surface. Some machines also have a collection system to gather and remove the debris.

3. Improved Air and Water Penetration: By removing thatch and moss, vertimowing enhances soil aeration and allows air and water to penetrate the soil more effectively. This helps the grass roots access oxygen, nutrients, and moisture.

4. Enhanced Grass Growth: Vertimowing can stimulate grass growth by encouraging the development of new shoots and tillers. This results in a thicker, healthier lawn with improved density and coverage.

5. Moss and Weed Control: Vertimowing can help control moss and weed infestations by disrupting their growth and allowing grass to compete more effectively.

6. Lawn Renovation: In some cases, vertimowing is used as part of a lawn renovation process. After vertimowing, new grass seed can be overseeded into the lawn to establish a more vigorous and diverse turf.

It's important to note that vertimowing should be done at the appropriate time and with the right equipment to avoid damaging the grass. Typically, it's carried out during the growing season when the grass can recover quickly. The depth of vertimowing (i.e., how deep the blades or tines penetrate) is adjusted based on the severity of thatch buildup and the type of grass.

Overall, vertimowing is a valuable practice in lawn care, especially for lawns that suffer from thatch accumulation, moss growth, or other issues that can impact the health and appearance of the turfgrass.


Coring a lawn, also known as lawn aeration or core aeration, is a lawn care practice that involves removing small plugs or cores of soil and thatch from the lawn to improve its health and vitality. Here's a detailed explanation of coring a lawn:

1. Purpose: The primary purpose of coring a lawn is to alleviate soil compaction and promote better air, water, and nutrient penetration into the root zone of the grass. It helps maintain a healthy and thriving lawn.

2. Equipment: Lawn aerators, specialized machines designed for this purpose, are used for coring. These machines have hollow tines or spikes that penetrate the soil and extract small cylindrical cores. There are both manual and motorized aerators available.

3. Soil Aeration: The act of removing these cores creates holes or channels in the soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots more effectively. This process helps combat soil compaction, which can occur due to heavy foot traffic, equipment use, or the natural settling of the soil over time.

4. Thatch Reduction: Coring can also help reduce thatch, which is a layer of dead grass, roots, and organic matter that accumulates on the surface of the soil. When the cores are pulled out, they often contain thatch, helping to break it down and decompose it naturally.

5. Grass Root Growth: Improved soil aeration and reduced compaction encourage grass roots to grow deeper and spread more vigorously. This results in a healthier and more resilient lawn.

6. Timing: Lawn aeration is typically performed during the growing season, either in the spring or fall when the grass is actively growing and can recover quickly from the disruption caused by coring.

7. Aftercare: After coring, it's common to leave the extracted cores on the lawn surface. They will break down over time and return nutrients to the soil. It's also a good practice to follow up with fertilization, overseeding (if needed), and adequate watering to maximize the benefits of aeration.

Coring a lawn is especially beneficial for lawns that experience heavy use, compaction, or poor drainage. It can help revive a struggling lawn and promote healthy grass growth. The frequency of coring depends on the specific condition of the lawn, with some lawns benefiting from annual aeration, while others may require it less frequently.

Top Dressing

Top dressing turf is a landscaping and lawn care practice that involves spreading a thin layer of specially prepared soil mixture over the surface of an existing lawn or turfgrass. This soil mixture typically consists of a blend of sand, compost, and organic matter, which may vary depending on the specific needs of the lawn. Top dressing serves several important purposes:

1. Leveling: Over time, lawns can develop uneven surfaces due to foot traffic, settling, or the natural settling of the soil. Top dressing helps to level out these irregularities, creating a smoother and more even lawn.

2. Improving Soil Quality: The addition of organic matter in the top dressing mixture improves soil structure, drainage, and nutrient retention. This can lead to healthier turfgrass with deeper root systems.

3. Thatch Reduction: Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that can accumulate on the surface of the soil. Excessive thatch can hinder water and nutrient absorption. Top dressing can help break down thatch and encourage its decomposition.

4. Enhancing Turf Density: Top dressing encourages new grass shoots to grow, which increases turf density. A denser lawn is more resistant to weeds and better able to withstand foot traffic and environmental stress.

5. Improving Aeration: Proper top dressing can improve soil aeration, which is essential for root health. It creates channels for air and water to penetrate the soil and reach the grassroots.

6. Enhancing Nutrient Levels: The organic matter in the top dressing mixture provides nutrients to the grass as it breaks down, enriching the soil and promoting healthy growth.

Top dressing is done with the appropriate materials to avoid smothering the existing grass. It's often performed during the growing season when the grass is actively growing and can recover quickly. The amount of top dressing material applied typically ranges from 3 to 5 centimeters , depending on the lawn's condition and the desired results.

Overall, top dressing is a valuable technique in lawn care and turf management, helping to maintain and improve the health and appearance of turfgrass.

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