City of Karratha Ordinary Council Meetings and Public Agenda Briefing Sessions are open to the public and commence at 6.00pm. Meetings are held in the Council Chamber located at the rear of the City Administration Building, Welcome Road, Karratha. The list of meeting dates is available here.
All meetings of the Council are conducted in accordance with the City of Karratha Standing Orders Local Law 2018, the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996. When confidential information needs to be considered, parts of the meeting may be closed to the public.
Public Agenda Briefing Sessions
The purpose of the Public Agenda Briefing Session is for Councillors to ask questions and obtain additional information relating to items presented on the Ordinary Council Meeting agenda. Questions asked by Councillors are to be answered by the CEO or a person nominated by the CEO.
No decisions are made at Public Agenda Briefing Sessions.
Public questions at this meeting must relate to an item in the Agenda for that month.
Ordinary and Special Council Meetings
The purpose of Ordinary Council Meeting is to conduct the business of Council, to debate matters and make decisions, as set out in the Local Government Act, subsidiary legislation and City of Karratha policies and local laws.
Public questions at this meeting may relate to an item in the Agenda, or any matter that affects the City of Karratha.
A Special Council Meeting is held for the purpose of considering and dealing with Council business that is urgent, complex in nature, or confidential.