Dreamers hill

Dreamers Hill Permit

To get your Dreamers Hill permit:

  1. Fill in the application form here, online (below) or get your permit in-person at the City of Karratha Administration Office on Welcome Road, Karratha 
  2. Get it back to us - emailed/posted applications must be received by noon Wednesday. Applications made in-person must be registered by 3.45pm Friday
  3. Once we have your application and payment, we will send you a permit to display on your vehicle.

Variable Message Sign (VMS) display application

An application form is required to display an event/community sign on the VMS signage at Dreamers Hill. VMS signage is not permitted for advertising of any commercial business, product or service. 

All signage shall be temporary and may only be placed at the approved location for up to 1 week (or otherwise at the City’s discretion).

Download an Application for VMS signage at Dreamers Hill, link towards bottom of this page.

Applicant details
Item you wish to sell
Item to sell
Sell warning: Only one permit per vehicle type per year will be issued to any person. No trucks or commercial machinery is permitted to be sold on this site. 
Any applications for these vehicles or multiple types per person will be refused.
I have read and will abide by the conditions as detailed in the FAQs below when selling my vehicle from Reserve 45496 Bathgate Road known as Dreamers Hill. Non- compliance will result in the permit being revoked.
Sign above
Payment fee of $24.00 is non-refundable
Frequently asked questions

Why are we doing this?

Members of the business community complained that the City was illegally permitting the commercial sale of vehicles on reserve land vested for parking purposes only. These complaints triggered the need to statutorily/legally address the issue.

Rather than close Dreamer’s Hill, Council determined to address the legal issues and manage the reserve in a way that serves the greater community.

Other issues reported at the site include the sale of commercial vehicles, which does not fit with the intended purpose of Dreamer’s Hill. The City had also received reports of people selling large numbers of vehicles from the site, which is again not in keeping with the intent of the site. Nor is the practice compliant with State legislation.

By introducing a permit system, Council is minimising illegal activities while allowing residents to continue selling their vehicles at the reserve.

Why is there a permit system?

So that we can control who is selling what and minimise any illegal sales activities on the site.

Why am I limited to only one car, one boat, one bike etc?

If a person sells more than three (3) vehicles per year then they are legally obliged to obtain a motor vehicle dealer’s license. Dreamer’s Hill is not to be used by commercial operators. If you and your partner both have a car to sell, you can each get permits for your respective vehicles.

How much is the permit and how long does it last?

A permit to display a vehicle for sale is valid for one (1) month, specifically four weekends in a row, from the date of purchase. If the vehicle does not sell within that time, you can apply for another permit from the City to sell the same vehicle.

The fee for the permit is $23, which covers administration fees, signage, maintenance and contractor fees associated with changing the use of the reserve and permitting the display of vehicles for sale. The introduction of a permit system is not a profit-generating exercise by the City. If the City was to generate a profit from this system, we would be required to obtain a license from the Department of Commerce. 

Why is the City only permitting sale of vehicles on the weekend and public holidays?

Dreamer’s Hill had become a dumping-ground for older vehicles, which could not be sold.  It was an eye-sore and not keeping with the general amenity of the area. All vehicles displayed for sale must be removed from the site by 8am the following working day.

Those persons that do not comply will be issued written warnings, in the first instance, and then fined thereafter. 

Any vehicles left on the reserve (for more than 48 hours) will be treated as abandoned and will be subject to removal from the site.

What if I only park there to catch the bus to work?

The management order for the reserve lists ‘parking’ as a permitted use. Provided that there is no ‘for sale’ sign on the vehicle then you can park within the reserve at any time.

Any vehicles left on the reserve (for more than 48 hours) will be treated as abandoned and will be subject to removal from the site.

What if I don’t want to pay the fee and use somewhere else to display my vehicle for sale?

You can display your vehicle for sale at your residential property. Use of other City reserves or road verges will result in enforcement action being taken (warnings first and then infringement).

What if I get fined and don’t pay?

You can elect to have the matter heard before a magistrate. Information detailing this option is included on the bottom of the infringement. If you refuse to pay, the infringement will be referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry. If you do not pay the Fines Enforcement Registry, you may lose your driver’s license.

Where can I get permits from?

Permits are available from the City of Karratha Administration office during working hours. An electronic application form is available (below). Permit stickers will be issued by Customer Services officers and issued to the applicant at the front counter or mailed to the applicant. Emailed/posted applications must be received by noon Wednesday. Applications made in-person must be registered by 3.45pm Friday.

What happens if someone damages my vehicle?

Display of vehicles for sale, and parking of vehicles at Dreamer’s Hill is at the risk of the vehicle owner. The City of Karratha takes no responsibility for any damage to any vehicle.

What if I want to sell a canopy/roo bar or other vehicle-related item?

The City is only permitting the sale of vehicles at Dreamer’s Hill. No ancillary items/parts are to be displayed for sale at the reserve.

Any person found doing so will be subject to enforcement action by City Rangers.

Once I have a Dreamers Hill permit, where can I park my vehicle for sale?

dreamers hill mud map

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