Food safety

The City's health service works with local food businesses and community groups who produce food for sale to make sure that they comply with current legislation and sell safe food to the public.

The responsibility of environmental health is to:

  • Complete announced and unannounced hygiene assessments of all food businesses on a regular basis
  • Investigate reports about food and food handling practices
  • Collect evidence of offences against food legislation and instigate legal action where necessary
  • Sample locally produced foods and compare results to National Standards
  • Provide education and support to food handlers and businesses on matters such as kitchen design and food hygiene

In Western Australia, the Food Act 2008 and Food Regulations 2009 adopt the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, that sets out requirements for food businesses throughout Australia to achieve national consistency. Safe Food Australia offers A Guide to the Food Safety Standards online. This is a valuable resource for food businesses to understand the legislation that regulates the food industry.


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