From water-sensitive facilities and urban design, to using smart metering to optimise irrigation efficiency across our parks and verges, the City works to improve water-use efficiency and protect surface and groundwater reserves to support healthy ecosystems and future population and economic growth.
The City is working to become a Water Sensitive City, through the delivery of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy and the Waterwise Council Action Plan. Our progress towards becoming a Water Sensitive City was recently benchmarked by the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities.
This means the City’s performance is rated against 34 goals, including water literacy in the community, adaptive water infrastructure, and sustainable water use. The outcomes are used to develop the City’s Waterwise Council Action Plan, which require us to adapt to changing water availability so we can create liveable, resilient and sustainable communities.
Being water sensitive means showing a commitment to sustainable water use and improved water quality; using Water Sensitive Urban Design and helping educate the community about the value of water
Waterwise Council
The Waterwise Council Program is a collaboration between the Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, to support local governments to improve water efficiency in Council operations and community activities.
The City of Karratha has been accredited as a Waterwise Council since 2017, and in 2023 was endorsed as a Gold Waterwise Council. Gold Waterwise status is an outstanding achievement, awarded in recognition of the City driving liveability outcomes across the water cycle.
We continue to improve our practices through our Environmental Sustainability Strategy, our Water Management Strategy and our Waterwise Council Action Plan to build a waterwise community and progress towards becoming a water sensitive city.
Greywater reuse
Greywater systems are one of the best opportunities to reuse water, ensure the conservation of ground and surface water and save money. Installation of greywater systems for residential dwellings, multi-dwellings and commercial premises require approval. To encourage the uptake of greywater systems in residential dwellings, the City has waived all applications fees. To learn more about reusing greywater, refer to Wastewater Disposal and Reuse.
Residential watering days
Find out of your property should be watered on odd or even days by entering your street or lot number here.
Standpipe access
The City of Karratha's agreement with the owners of commercial standpipes does not allow us to on-sell the provision of water from these outlets.
For information on accessing regional fixed standpipes, click here.
Water saving offers
Water Corporation offer a range of water saving initiatives for City of Karratha residents, such as free showerheads, sprinkler system repairs, plumbing services and garden advice. Visit this website to find out more.
Our partnership with ClimateClever provides free access to schools, businesses and households to a smart tool that measures and offers solutions to reduce
- electricity and water usage ( and associated costs)
- waste production
- carbon emissions.
Access the platform here.
ClimateClever efficiency initiatives
The City of Karratha has partnered with the ClimateClever Program to support our community to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on utility bills – activities that are consistent with our Environmental Sustainability Strategy.
For more information click here