
Some building applications need a verge assessment before they can be approved, and before work can commence onsite.   

This includes applications for new residential construction (Class 1) and multi-residential and commercial construction (Class 2 to 9), residential alterations (Class 1 & 10) >$20,000 and below ground swimming pool installation.

Your verge assessment is undertaken before work commences onsite, with a follow up inspection carried out on completion of work.  

The nominated builder for the works approved under the associated Building Permit will be liable for any damage to the verge. 


Fee Description
$160.45  Kerb/verge inspection and maintenance contribution - Residential alterations (Class 1 & 10) >$20,000 
$217.35 Kerb/verge inspection and maintenance contribution - Below ground swimming pool installation 
$269.10 Kerb/verge inspection and maintenance contribution - New residential construction (Class 1) 
$548.55 Kerb/verge inspection and maintenance contribution - Multi-residential and commercial construction (Class 2 to 9) 

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