Planning fees

Planning Fees

General Development Application
Where the estimated cost of development (ECD) is:
Not more than $50,000$147.00
More than $50,000 but not more than $500,0000.32% of ECD
More than $500,000 but not more than $2.5 million$1700 + 0.257% of ECD for every $1 over $500,000
More than $2.5 million but not more than $5 million$7161 + 0.206% of ECD for every $1 over $2.5 million
More than $5 million but not more than $21.5 million$12,633 + 0.123% of ECD for every $1 over $5 million
More than $21.5 million$34,196.00
Retrospective Development ApprovalFee as above + twice that amount as penalty
R-Code VariationFee as above (capped at $480.00)
Amendment to Development Approval$295.00
Change of Use$295.00
Extractive industry$739.00
Subdivision Clearance
Not more than 5 lots$73 per lot
More than 5 lots but not more than 195 lots$73 per lot for the first 5 lots and then $35 per lot
More than 195 lots $7,393.00
Certificate of Approval for a Strata Plan, Leasehold (Strata), Plan of Re-Subdivision or Consolidation
Up to and including 5 lots$656.00 + $65.00 per lot
6 lots up to 100 lots $981 + $43.50 per lot for every lot in excess of 5 lots
Greater than 100 lotsCapped at $5,113.50
Scheme Amendments, Structure Plans and Local Development Plans
Upon application the City of Karratha will provide an estimation of fees for service. At the completion of the process, the City of Karratha will provide a calculated total fee to be paid as per the Planning and Development Regulations 2009.
Other Fees
Public Advertising$250.00 upon lodgement or at cost post advertising
Request for Written Planning Advice$73.00
Section 40 – Liquor Licensing$73.00
Development Assessment Panel Fees (in addition to Development Application Fees)

If your development has an estimated value of $2 million or more, then you can elect to opt-in to have your application determined by the Development Assessment Panel (DAP).
The following development is not permitted to be determined by the DAP:
•    Single House and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and/or incidental development
•    Development within an Improvement Scheme area
•    Public work

Where the estimated cost of development is:
Less than $2 million $5,341
Not less than $2 million and less than $7 million $6,168.00
Not less than $7 million and less than $10 million $9,522.00
Not less than $10 million and less than $12.5 million $10,361.00
Not less than $12.5 million and less than $15 million $10,656.00
Not less than $15 million and less than $17.5 million $10,952.00
Not less than $17.5 million and less than $20 million $10,249.00
Not less than $20 million and less than $50 million$11,544.00
Not less than $50 million$16,680
Amending or cancelling Development Assessment Panel Approval (r17)$264.00

For the full list refer to the City of Karratha's Fees and Charges


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