Coolawanyah Road in Karratha's Light Industrial Area (LIA) is owned and maintained by the City and is, in sections approximately 30 years old.
The City has upgraded Coolawanyah Road through a staged approach from De Witt Road to Fisher Way, completing Stage One in 2015 and Stage Two in 2017. The upgrades beyond Fisher Way and the end of the currently sealed road will ensure better functionality and improved safety for heavy vehicles and road users.
In the interest of improving and extending the overall asset life, the current reconstruction works include, but are not limited to:
- Road widening and resurfacing, including drainage upgrades, to meet current Austroads and Main Roads WA standards for larger heavy vehicles.
- Ensure better functionality and improve safety for heavy vehicles and road users through road geometry and widening to match driver expectations.
- Address ongoing maintenance concerns due to increased heavy vehicle usage causing edge failures and rapid road surface deterioration.
- Achieve a minimum design life of 25 years for the infrastructure, given it is a crucial City asset.
- Improve visibility on the roadway by providing street lighting along Coolawanyah Road.
During the works, the City and the local contractor Northwest Sand & Gravel Pty Ltd, are committed to minimising any disruption to the public and businesses.
Special thanks to our funding partners through the Federal Government's Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program (HVSPP) Round Seven.