Kevin Richards Memorial Oval Redevelopment

Project overview

The Kevin Richards Memorial Oval (KRMO) Master Plan was endorsed by Council at the October 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. 

The Master Plan as adopted by council is proposed to be a seven year staged delivery and includes:

  • Stage 1a -   New play space, northern car park and design of a change room and club room facility
  • Stage 1b  -  Construction of the change room and club room facility
  • Stage 2    -  Playing field sport lighting upgrade
  • Stage 3    -  Existing pavilion refurbishment
  • Stage 4    -  Multipurpose hard courts and lighting
  • Stage 5    -  Expansion of the existing southern carpark, supply of a serviced lot for Men’s Shed, relocation of cricket net and a second play space

Stage 1a and 1b is now complete. 

The new northern Car Park and two-storey Change and Club Room, as part of our five-stage master plan for the Precinct, while delayed, were an $9.4 million capital works program delivered by the local Contractor, Thomas Contracting, in July 2023.

These completed projects, along with the ongoing implementation of the endorsed Master Plan, promise to elevate the sporting amenities and enhance the overall aesthetics of the district-level Precinct.

Our revitalisation of the Precinct caters to several existing and new sports and recreation clubs and the broader community to support good health and well-being in our communities.

Looking ahead, we're excited to continue this journey with the commencement in 2023/ 24 of Stage 2, involving the playing field sports lighting to be delivered by the Contractor, BLU Electrical Services Pty Ltd and Stage 4 in 2024/ 25, encompassing the multi-purpose hard courts and lighting.

Special thanks to our funding partners, the Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and their Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program in implementing Stages 1a, 1b and 4. Together with the WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and the allocation of cash in lieu of public open space funds and Lotterywest in implementing Stages 1a and 1b of the Kevin Richards Memorial Oval Redevelopment.

  • Clubhouse
  • clubhouse activation
  • playground and clubhouse
  • teams in front of clubhouse
Lighting & Pole Upgrade
Anticipated Completion February 2025
Old Club Room Demolition
August 2024
Stage 2 - Lighting & Pole Upgrade March 2024
Stages 1a and 1b Completed
June 2023
Construct Change and Club Room
December 2021
Construct Northern Car Park
December 2021
Design and Construct Northern Play Space
September 2021
Master Plan Endorsed
October 2020
Concept Plan Endorsed
October 2019

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