Welcome to this special event to celebrate International Day of People with a Disability here in Karratha.
A big thank you to the organisers and all you who have come today.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mackenzie and I am proud person with a disability born
and raised here in Karratha. I have a rare neuromuscular disease that means my muscles don’t work but
everything else about me is just fine. My disease doesn’t even have a name – the doctors rang when I
was 12 years old after years of genetic testing and said there was only 7 or so other people in the world
with the same condition. My disability is most like muscular dystrophy, so I’m a wheelchair user who
works, studies and gets out into the community.
Here are some interesting statistics for you.
In 2022, 5.5 million people in Australia have a disability, which is about 18% of the population. If you
aren’t a person with a disability then you probably care for or know someone who is. Specifically in
Karratha, 3898 people have a chronic disease or disability.
Our community is important and while we have some way to go but today is about being positive for how
far we have come. So I have written an acrostic verse using the letters of the word disability and here it is:
D D is for DIVERSITY. We are all diYerent and unique, Karratha would be less exciting without us
I I is for INCLUSION. Positive things are happening in this area, for example the CoK has an Access and Inclusion Plan aimed at improving life for people with disabilities in the region.
S S is for SUPPORT. With the supports we receive from our family, friends, schools, health care
providers and disability agencies we are able to thrive.
A A is for ADVOCACY. We now have options to be heard, through formal and informal groups, to
advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.
B B is for BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS. The more we play a role in our community the more we
break down barriers and stereotypes of disability.
I I is for INDEPENDENCE. With the help we receive from our personal and professional supports
people with a disability can develop skills for independence which is important to many of us.
L L is for LEADING and LEARNING – we teach others about resilience and determination and can be
role models for others.
I I is for IMPACT – don’t underestimate the influence that we have had as a group on driving change
and improvement through comittees and research to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
T T is for TEAMWORK – it takes a team, it takes a tribe to raise and care for someone who has a
disability. We are grateful to all of you who help us.
Thanks for listening, enjoy the rest of the celebrations !